terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2009
10 Livros - 10 Books
the same exercise with reading books... don't consider the order..
1. A Transparencia do Mal - Jean Baudrillard
2. O Poder do Mito - Joseph Campbell
3. O Mundo de Sofia - Jostein Garder
4. Arte Moderna - Giulio Carlo Argan
5. Os Dados Foram Lancados - Jean Paul Sartre
6. A Dança do Universo - Marcelo Gleiser
7. A Biblia
8. A Camara Clara - Roland Barthes
9. O Eu Profundo e os Outros Eus - Fernando Pessoa
10. Arte e Ilusao - Ernst Hans Joseph Gombrich
1. La Transparence du Mal - Jean Baudrillard
2. The Power of Mith - Joseph Campbell
3. Sophie's World - Jostein Garder
4. L'Arte Moderna - Giulio Carlo Argan
5. Les Jeaux Son Faits - Jean Paul Sartre
6. A Dança do Universo - Marcelo Gleiser
7. A Biblia
8. Camera Lucida - Roland Barthes
9. O Eu Profundo e os Outros Eus - Fernando Pessoa
10. Art and Ilusion - Ernst Hans Joseph Gombrich
10 LPs
sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2009
Tim Burton - Vincent Malloy
Um dos diretores de cinema que mais respeito e admiro... Tim Burton. Meu primeiro contato com seu trabalho foi em Beetlejuice. Mas, eu so passei a prestar mais atencao no seu trabalho a partir de o Estranho Mundo de Jack. Na epoca eu ainda pintava os bonecos de pano e fazia bombs assinando zero.
Coincidentemente, nesse filme, O Estranho Mundo de Jack, tinha uma personagem toda costurada com retalhos e um cachorro fantasma que se chamava Zero.
Ninguem pode dizer que eu copiei o Tim, nem que o Tim me copiou, afinal, eu ja pintava os bonecos de pano ha uns 2 ou 3 anos antes do filme ser rodado nos cinemas, e o Tim tambem deve ter demorado mais ou menos esse tempo pra realizar o filme...
Bem, veja entao esse que foi o primeiro stop motion desse cara que respeito muito.
One of the movie directors that I most admire and respect is Tim Burton. My first contact with his production was with Beetlejuice. But he just catch my attention with The Nightmare Before Christmas. In that age I used to paint patchworks' dolls and make throw-ups and bombs signing as Zero.
As a coincidence, in this movie, Nightmare Before Christmas, had a character made with patchworks and a ghost dog called Zero.
Nobody can tell that I did my characters because of Tim nor that Tim made his characters because of me. Because I was doing these characters 2 or 3 years before this movie and Tim perhaps was starting this project in these same years, but nor me nor Tim could meet each other, so..
Well done, let's see this first stop motion movie by Tim Burton and enjoy !
Herbert Baglione - Avia Pervia

If you are travelling in Modena - Italy, you should go to this solo show by Herbert Baglione. With his particular style he is showing moreover his paintings, some site specific instalations overthere...
02-30 maggio 2009
Esposizione di Herbert Baglione (Bra)
Vernissage: Sabato 2 Maggio, ore 18.30
Aperitivo e djset by Brokenbywhispers
@ v.Paolo Ferrari 51/b, Modena
Organizador: ICONE
Tipo: Música/artes - Exibição
Rede: Global
Início: sábado, 2 de maio de 2009 às 18:30
Horário de término: domingo, 31 de maio de 2009 às 23:00
Localização: spazio AVIA PERVIA
Endereço: via Paolo Ferrari 51/a
Cidade: Modena, Italy
E-mail: staff@icone.tv
- HERBERT è da oltre dieci anni uno degli esponenti più attivi della scena artistica di San Paolo (Brasile). Insieme ad altri artisti quali Os Gemeos, Speto e Vitchie ha avuto un’ampia e riconosciuta influenza sul movimento street art brasiliano e internazionale. Nei suoi dipinti e illustrazioni colpisce lo stile deciso, contraddistinto da una spiccata attitudine alla linearità del tratto tipica della grafica, ma non per questo le sue opere sono da considerarsi prive d’intensità e di particolari. Grazie all’inserzione di elementi calligrafici, alla rielaborazione della grande scuola Art Nouveau di fine 800, nonchè dell’immaginario fiabesco e decadente del disegnatore vittoriano Aubrey Beardsley, riesce ad unire la modernità del design attuale all’espressività dell’illustrazione d’epoca.
Thais Beltrame - Carmichael Gallery

Vale a pena conferir os tracos delicados de seus desenhos em meio a aquarelas e aguadas com cores sutis e muita poetica...
When All The Stars Are Gone, the first US solo exhibition of work by Brazilian artist Thais Beltrame, comes to LA’s Carmichael Gallery on Thursday, May 7th, 2009 from 7– 10pm, with the artist in attendance. A new series of ink and watercolor works on paper will be on display, as well as a site-specific installation.
Thais’ When All The Stars Are Gone is a poetic glimpse of the world as perceived by the artist. Looking to the skies for inspiration, the artist reflects upon solitude, beauty, and the transient nature of being.
“Supposedly all the stars we see today have been dead millions of years,” she muses. “Perhaps this is why human beings feel so alone: we live beneath a sky which no longer exists.”
In this newest body of work, Thais’ trademark wistful children are changing, growing stronger, wiser, and more aware of their surroundings. From this growth emerge new fears and dilemmas, however, as observed in the artist’s shift from negative space to a brooding application of earthy watercolors.
About the Artist: Thais Beltrame was born and lives in Sao Paulo. The largely self-taught artist grew up amongst a generation of Brazilian counter-culture in the 80s and 90s. Highly regarded for her subtle, distinctive style, she is the sole female member of the powerhouse Brazilian art collective, the Famiglia Baglione . Thais has exhibited her work in the United States, United Kingdom, and Brazil.
About Carmichael Gallery:
Carmichael Gallery of Contemporary Art exhibits emerging international contemporary artists with a focus on narrative and figurative painting, mixed media and sculpture.
Carmichael Gallery is located at 1257 N. La Brea Avenue, on the SW corner of La Brea and Fountain, West Hollywood, CA 90038. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., and by appointment. For more information, please visit our website www.carmichaelgallery.com, email art@carmichaelgallery.com, or call 323.969.0600.